Group X Schedule


9:00AM - X-Plode:Pump w/ Sarah (Bedford)

10:00AM - X-Tend:Stretch w/ Sarah (Bedford)

5:30PM - X-Plode:Cardio w/ Mallory (Bedford)


9:00AM - SilverSneakers Circuit w/ Georgia (Mitchell)

9:45AM- SilverSneakers Circuit w/ Georgia (Mitchell)

10:00AM - SilverSneakers Classic w/ Brandy (Bedford)

10:30AM- SilverSneakers Circuit w/ Georgia (Mitchell)

5:30PM - X-Plode:Strength w/ Georgia (Bedford)


9:00AM - Boom Muscle w/Georgia (Bedford)

5:30PM - X-Plode:Pump w/ Sarah (Bedford)

6:30PM - X-Tend:Stretch w/ Sarah (Bedford)


9:00AM - SilverSneakers Circuit w/ Georgia (Mitchell)

9:45AM - SilverSneakers Circuit w/ Georgia (Mitchell)

10:30AM- Boom Muscle w/ Georgia (Mitchell)

6:00PM - X-Plode:Cardio w/ Mallory (Bedford)


9:00AM - SilverSneakers Circuit w/Georgia (Bedford)


5:30PM - Modern Arnis w/ Matt (Bedford)

Classes Descriptions

All Group X Sessions at both locations are included with every Group X Membership!


   X-Plode:Pump is a strength training workout designed to get you not only stronger but able to move better in daily movements. It combines     full-body exercises using an adjustable barbell, weight plates, & body weight. [Intermediate Session]


X-Plode:Cardio takes HIIT training to the next level! Each station lasts 45 seconds minus the X-PLODE that last for a FULL MINUTE! The class is designed to get your heart pumping and the calories burning! [Intermediate Session]


X-Plode:Strength is a high energy, fat burning workout that moves you from station to station, focusing on fat loss and toning through strength. [Intermediate Session]


Xplode:TRX is a form of suspension training that uses body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. [Intermediate to Advanced Session, 6 week sessions]


Blending the practices of Pilates and yoga, Piyo is a total body workout that will build strength, improve flexibility, and tone muscles from head to toe using body weight only to decrease stress on the joints. [All Levels]


Designed to increase muscle strength, range of movement and improve activities for daily living. A chair is used for seated exercises and standing support and class can be modified depending on fitness levels. [Beginner Session](Free with Membership)


The SilverSneakers™ Circuit workout offers standing, low-impact choreography alternated with standing upper-body strength work with hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers™ ball. [Beginner Session](Free with Membership)


  This 30-minute class includes sports-inspired exercises that improve upper body conditioning, focusing on different muscle groups during “blocks.” Tone your muscles and build overall strength in MUSCLE. [Beginner Session](Free with Membership)


The Art of Modern Arnis was created from elements of both Filipino and non-Filipino fighting styles. [Beginner to Intermediate Session](Free with Membership)